7 Reliable Ways to Erase Debt Faster

Having high-interest debt can be very overwhelming. It can take its toll on your personal and professional life. However, this can be prevented or resolved depending on your situation.

While it can take some time before you can fully pay off your debt, there are certain strategies that you can utilize to help erase debt faster. Paying off your debt can also prove to be financially healthy. This can even help you achieve financial security.


If you're looking for ways to erase debt faster, here are some reliable ways to do so. Check them out below.

Add Up and Understand Your Debt

The first thing that you need to do is to sum up all of your debt. List all of your debt, whether small or big. 

Collect as many details as possible, including the interest rates and the payment schedules. You will need to have all of the information appropriately arranged to fully understand how much of an impact your debt has had. 


Record all payment information, including the due date and the due amount. Calculate all the minimum monthly payments you need to make to cover all the costs.

Spend Time With Your Budget

Now that you have all the information you need, it is time to strategize how to pay for your debt. 

Start by calculating all of your expenses for each month including your necessities and other payments together with your debt. This will give you an idea of your overall expenses for the month. 


Compare it to your income and see if you still have room to work with. If the amount left is enough for you to live, you are still good to pay your debt. 

If you don't have any left, it might be time to take on another income or improve your cash flow.

Find Another Income

As mentioned above, it is time for you to take on another income if you're struggling to pay off your debt. 

You can either find a side hustle, such as dog walking, or take on freelance projects over the internet to add to your funds. 

There are also suggestions such as selling your things online which makes transactions faster and you get your funds immediately or ask for a raise at work. 

There are still so many things that you can do such as go on overtime to pay off your debt. As long as you're working your way to paying off your debt, you should always take on additional income.

Utilize Different Debt Repayment Strategies

There are different ways for you to repay your debt and it depends on what you're willing to do for you to get out of debt faster. 

Here are two of the best debt repayment strategies that you can employ to clear your debt faster.

Debt Avalanche

Debt avalanche lets you pay off your debt from the highest amount down to the lowest one. This strategy will help you save the most money on interest. It is usually done if you still have enough time to pay off your debt. 

To use this strategy, simply pay off your minimum dues on all of your debt and use your extra money to pay off the debt with the highest interest. 

Once the highest amount is paid, you move to the next highest until everything is paid off.

Debt Snowball

The debt snowball is the exact opposite of the debt avalanche strategy. It is done by paying off the usual minimum dues on all of your debt and using your extra funds to pay off the smallest balance

Once the smallest amount is paid, you move to the next one until you make your way to the highest amount. 

Since you're also paying the minimum due amount, you are also lowering your debt. Hence, you reduce your debt slowly but surely. This strategy is often used to motivate you to work to pay off your debt.

Try to Get a Low-Interest Loan

Another way for you to deal with debt faster is to consolidate all of your debt into a single account. 

If your credit rating is still healthy enough, you can always apply for a lower-interest loan with a good amount to consolidate your debt. This can help speed up the process of easily resolving your debt. 

Consolidating your debt means you only get to pay once a month and you don't have to worry about paying off any other debt as long as you fully transfer them into a single account.

Cut Back on Your Expenses

Aside from listing down all of your debt, you should also list down all of the expenses outside of your debt. 

Look at your grocery list or other unnecessary transactions outside of your basic needs. If there can be adjustments made such as going out for dinner at least twice a month to save money, do it. 

Review your regular expenses and identify which ones can be limited for the time being. 

Most of the time, you can cut off going out for coffee or partying for a little while until you've paid off your debt.

Consult with a Financial Advisor to Negotiate with Lenders

If you're having trouble with your finances, you should always consider working and consulting with a professional financial advisor

Financial advisors or credit counselors often work with people who have difficulties paying off their debt. They offer sound advice to people and lay out all the options for you to erase debt faster. 

They have the best strategies for your specific financial situation and they can even negotiate for you with your lenders. 

While you can always reach out to your lenders for assistance, it is best that you let the professionals do it for you.


Paying off your debt is a giant step forward in improving your financial situation. Reducing or completely eliminating your debt is the goal so that you can attain financial freedom. Consolidating your debt, cutting back on expenses, and learning your debt are key to erasing your debt faster. Don't forget to follow the tips mentioned above.

Last updated on January 10th, 2025 at 07:32 pm