Bad Websites Have These 5 Design Mistakes

There are currently around 1.9 billion websites on the internet right now, and this number keeps rising. No business should be comfortable enough not to have a website, because this is what introduces the public to what you are all about.

We live in a world where things have to be done a certain way, and while it is important to have a website, having one that has mistakes can seriously put you at a disadvantage, as it means that you may not have as much traffic as you would wish.


There are many things that make a website less than perfect, and these can cost you greatly. So, when you are designing your own site, look out for the following mistakes and be sure to avoid them in order to make your website great. Read on to learn about five design mistakes found on bad websites.

Bad Websites Have These 5 Design Mistakes

Having a Slow Website

There is nothing as annoying as a site that keeps loading and takes forever to provide you with the information you are looking for. Everyone wants things to happen fast, and the reality is that you have to comply.


As such, if your site takes longer than about 3 seconds to load, people are simply going to lose their patience and bounce off it. 

In order to increase your speed, make use of Google’s PageSpeed Tool, in order to see just how long it takes your site to load, and then work on improvements. 

If you are in the process of designing your website, pay keen attention to this, and simply ensure that it is fast enough.


Not Being User-Friendly

Most people use their mobile phones to access the internet, and in the next couple of years, it is projected that mobile devices will surpass computers on a global scale.

As such, you must ensure that your website does not alienate anyone by not being user friendly or mobile-friendly

Make sure that anyone can access it and read the information clearly on their mobile devices. Sometimes, this involves adjusting the length of paragraphs so that they don't appear as large text blocks on a mobile page.

Other times, enhancing the user-friendly nature of a website is as simple as fixing the mobile layout so that certain features and text boxes don't overlap and look clunky.

Having Social Media Icons at the Top

This has been a trend of late, and most popular sites will have this fixture, but it's not recommended. 

This is because, social media links will probably cause your visitors to realize that they need to check something on them, and then end up navigating away from your site.

That is the last thing you want; therefore, consider not having this at the top of your site, and if you do, consider adjusting the site by removing them.

Not Having the Proper Formatting

Writing for a site is much different from writing for print. When creating content for the website, you need to have short paragraphs that are 2-3 lines long

If you write paragraphs or sections longer than this, they are likely not to fit on a mobile phone very well, which is a design flaw.

Not Leveraging a Call to Action

Bad Websites Have These 5 Design Mistakes

This is a big mistake. Each webpage should have a purpose, which is the call to action. Calls to action are sometimes referred to as CTAs. 

This can look like anything from advertising a product or idea at the end of an article, or suggesting that the reader download a service or app that has just been described in the article. 

For most sites, their purpose would be to steer the users towards their own business, and especially towards their goods and services

You should, therefore, ensure that you ask readers to engage with your company on a business level, so you can leverage it.


Well, those are five of the most common design mistakes that could be deadly to your website's chance of growth. 

Ensure to avoid them if you are looking to make your site marketable and customer-centered. sometimes, the smallest tweaks can go the furthest when it comes to your ability to make your webpage thrive.

Last updated on January 15th, 2021 at 07:41 pm