Learn How to Use GarageBand to Create Custom iPhone Ringtones

Whether you're using 50 Cent's In Da Club or Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven, having your favorite song as a ringtone is exciting to hear during your day.

With the GarageBand app, you can record songs and sounds, and then edit, share, and use them as custom ringtones. It is a very popular software used by iOS and Mac users all over the world to create personalized ringtones.


Find out what GarageBand is all about, learn how to use GarageBand to create custom iPhone ringtones, and more with the article below.

  • Get to Know GarageBand
  • Selecting the Right Song for Your Custom Ringtone
  • Assigning Ringtones
  • The Importance of Ringtones
  • Avoiding Spam Callers
  • Show Off Your Personality
Learn How to Use GarageBand to Create Custom iPhone Ringtones
image Source: Apple Support

Get to Know GarageBand

GarageBand is a program that features a complete sound library that has all the instruments and presets you need to create music. 

Whether you are a budding musician or simply want to create fun sounds on your device, GarageBand is the app for you. It's easy to use and has an intuitive and modern interface that makes it easy to navigate


Start making professional music or simply create your custom ringtone with the use of GarageBand. 

Plugin your guitar or any other musical instrument and get inspired with hundreds and thousands of sounds that you can use.

Why Use GarageBand

With a plethora of features to help you record, mix, and edit your music, GarageBand allows you to modify your performance down to the most basic notes and decibels. 


You can fix rhythm issues with just a single click of a button. Finish your track with a professional polish with the help of effects such as compression and visual EQ

Whether you simply want to share your music or your custom-made ringtone with your family and friends or with the rest of the world, GarageBand has a share feature that lets you do that. Creating custom ringtones has never been this easy with GarageBand.

Selecting the Right Song for Your Custom Ringtone

Before creating your custom ringtone, you will need to choose the right song. Make sure that it is only 30 seconds long or, even better, less than 30 seconds.

Learn How to Use GarageBand to Create Custom iPhone Ringtones
Image Source: iDownloadblog

Don't worry if the recording is too short for you as your ringtone. Your phone will continuously ring and loop the custom ringtone. Once you have chosen your 30-second recording, you can begin to create your ringtone through GarageBand. 

You will need to set up your iCloud Drive first so you can share your recording with your iPhone or iPad. Export your recording from your Mac to your iOS device through iCloud Drive

Remember to name your folder on your iCloud Drive so you can identify the correct folder to use when you create the ringtone.

Using GarageBand to Create Custom Ringtones

To export your ringtone, launch GarageBand on your iPhone or iPad, and in the My Songs browser, tap the folder icon and tap “Select”. 

Select the name of the folder on the iCloud Drive that contains the recording then tap the upload icon and then select Ringtone. Don't forget to name your ringtone before your tap “Export”.

GarageBand will automatically reduce the recording to 30 seconds, or you can tap “Cancel” to shorten it yourself. Tap “Export” once you're done and assign the ringtone on your iPhone.

Assigning Ringtones

Finally, you have a custom ringtone using GarageBand. You can now assign the ringtone to your phone or assign it to a specific contact. 

Learn How to Use GarageBand to Create Custom iPhone Ringtones
Image Source: MakeUseOf

To use the custom ringtone as the standard ringtone for your iPhone, you can simply replace the existing ringtone by tapping “Standard Ringtone”. 

You can also use the custom ringtone as your standard text tone by tapping “Standard Text Tone”, and it will automatically replace the current text tone on your iPhone. 

You may even assign the custom ringtone to one of your contacts by tapping “Assign to Contact”, and you will see a list of all of your contacts. Tap the name of the person you want, and it will assign the ringtone. Once you're finished assigning the ringtone, tap “Done”.

Download GarageBand

So, what are you waiting for? Download GarageBand today. To download GarageBand, simply head over to the official Apple website and look for “GarageBand”. 

Click on “Download” at the top right corner of the web page to start downloading the software. Wait until it is fully downloaded and click on Install to install the program. 

You can also download GarageBand on your other iOS devices through the App Store by searching “GarageBand” on the platform.

The Importance of Ringtones

Mobile phones play a crucial role in today's communication. Ringtones are often used to alert a user of an incoming call and it has always been that way. 

Learn How to Use GarageBand to Create Custom iPhone Ringtones
Image Source: TechCrunch

Traditionally, we didn't have the option to choose a ringtone since all ringtones share the same sound. It wasn't until the past decade that we were finally able to use different ringtones for different callers. 

The development of personalized ringtones has set a precedent for how we use our mobile phones. We can now even use customized sounds, songs, and even videos as our ringtones. 

With that in mind, here are some of the best reasons why you should have a custom ringtone on your phone.

Prevent the Breakdown of Work and Personal Space

Most of us use our mobile phones for both personal and professional reasons. Mobile phones have blurred the lines between our workspace and our personal space. 

Oftentimes, we deal with calls related to work during our days off, which can be very troublesome for people who want to balance their work and personal life. The very best thing that you can do is set a custom ringtone on your phone and assign it to your work contacts

This way, you can identify the incoming calls and quickly understand that the call is work-related or someone within your personal space. This helps you strike the perfect balance between work and personal life.

Avoid Spam Callers

Having a custom ringtone for your iPhone offers benefits to your daily life. One of which is to avoid spam calls or messages.

Learn How to Use GarageBand to Create Custom iPhone Ringtones
Image Source: TopTechPal

Having a custom ringtone helps you identify these spam calls and messages, so you can simply ignore them whenever the ringtone comes on, or you can immediately put it to silent to avoid disturbing you. 

If you have a persistent spam caller or simply want to have a specific ringtone for a person that you don't want to speak with, you can always assign that custom ringtone to that specific contact. 

You'll immediately know you have a spam caller even before you check your phone.

Add Unique Ringtones for Important Contacts

On the contrary to the point above, you can also assign a specific custom ringtone to a loved one or a special person. Set these ringtones for all of the important people in your life, and you can even set specific ringtones for each of them. 

This way, you also get to know that your mother is calling you long before you look to see who's calling. 

It's a very easy and convenient way to know who is calling you without having to check your phone every time someone calls you.

Show Off Your Personality

Getting a personalized ringtone for each of your contacts is a way to describe and sometimes even show off your personality

Learn How to Use GarageBand to Create Custom iPhone Ringtones
Image Source: TechCrunch

Having personalized ringtones help you express yourself in creative ways so go ahead and use it to your advantage. 

There's even solid research that shows that the kind of ringtone you use indicates who you are as a person. In a study by Tesco Mobile, a UK-based mobile phone carrier, it was discovered that from 1,000 people, 21 percent think that having a ringtone is deemed uncool and that those who use their own recorded voice as a ringtone were self-obsessed. 

Those who change their ringtones a lot are most likely to be unreliable people. It is quite fascinating how your ringtone exposes a little bit of ourselves.

Help Identify the Caller

Having a specific caller ringtone allows you to identify whether the call might be urgent or can be taken at a later time. 

Many of us want to streamline our daily schedule and activities, and for some people, that means having set times for making and receiving phone calls. 

Having a custom ringtone lets you know if you need to take this call as you're expecting it. Sometimes, you even get to know whom to call back just by listening to the ringtone that you've assigned it to.


Using ringtones has been proven to have a lot of benefits. Some use it to show off a little bit of their personality, while others want it to avoid breaking their personal and workplace barrier. 

Whatever your reasoning is, having custom ringtones is highly beneficial to your day-to-day life. Check out GarageBand to help you make awesome songs for using as phone ringtones.

Last updated on January 3rd, 2022 at 03:24 am