BYOD: The New Tech Trend in the Workplace

As technology advances, a lot of changes are happening in the world and in the workplace, there is a new trend called BYOD.  If you haven't heard that acronym before, it means Bring Your Own Device.

More and more employers are allowing employees to use their own gadgets to perform workplace duties. One of the reasons for the BYOD policy is to limit or eliminate infrastructure expenses of startups and small enterprises.


Without providing computers and other tools, companies can start working with little upfront capital and expand easily. If you’re new to the BYOD policy, we've created a guide that explains its advantages and drawbacks. Read on to learn more.

BYOD: The New Tech Trend in the Workplace

Use of Connected Devices to Work

Several industries allow the integration of a BYOD policy simply because employees can use whatever device they have in order to get the job done. Research has revealed that most people are more comfortable using their own devices rather than company-provided devices.

Because of the virtual setup, some employees tend to use their own gadgets to perform their work. Most companies hire virtual employees this policy helps limit the monthly expenses. Employees benefit from this set up as they dictate how and where they work.


Aside from personal computers and laptops, some employees are allowed to use their personal smartphone or tablet to make calls, send texts, and more. The BYOD policy is a trend and more companies are showing support to this policy in order to save money.

The stronger preference for BYOD is rooted in the level of comfort employees experience when working with their personal devices. Additionally, the impact of using personal devices is desirable as it makes people think they are not working, rather, simply completing their tasks.

BYOD Trends 

The tech-savvy generation is leveraging the BYOD policy to enjoy flexible work schedules, Internet use, and increased productivity. In the retail industry, companies are allowing employees to use their personal device to connect to customers and co-workers.


Additionally, employees can keep themselves connected in real-time, using a number of connected devices, including wearable bands. These gadgets help them make decisions quicker, answer calls, and respond to their co-workers.

Some of the trends in the BYOD policy include a cloud system that allows all employees to store files and documents safely. Instead of storing files on computers, employees can access private storage to avoid data breaches.

There is also software used for timekeeping and GPS tracking, which allows employers to know the specific location of virtual workers and the time spent doing work.

Pros and Cons of BYOD

The integration of BYOD policies provides a handful of perks for both employers and workers. Weighing the pros and cons is significant to know whether this policy is effective or not. Here’s an outline showcasing the advantages and disadvantages of BYOD.

The Pros

  • Businesses saving money not buying equipment
  • Simplify the process of timekeeping
  • Improve customer service
  • Prompt or real-time actions
  • Ease in completing tasks
  • The comfort of using a personal device
  • Improved productivity

The Cons

  • Minimum security requirement
  • Company regulation compliance loopholes
  • Distraction in completing tasks
  • Limitations on tasks based on device capability
  • Worker’s right to privacy becomes problematic
  • Inconsistencies in the quality of work

Understanding the Benefits and Drawbacks

In terms of weighing the pros and cons, BYOD provides a myriad of advantages while also showing a number of red flags, including affecting a worker’s privacy.

Businesses need to address these cons and create a system to enable consistent quality of work and to avoid security concerns.

Moreover, being familiar with the disadvantages make it easier for companies to improve the weaker areas and allow employees to increase productivity.

Workers need access to private and secure storage systems as well as support from the IT team to attend to issues.

BYOD: The New Tech Trend in the Workplace


BYOD is great for folks that have their own devices and great for companies who want to save money. But this trend could bar people who don't have the money to buy devices from being able to land certain jobs.

In addition, employers will also have to somehow make sure work time is actually used for work. BYOD could be great or a complete disaster, only time will tell.

Last updated on January 20th, 2021 at 09:42 pm