Discover How Users Can Calculate Their Carbon Footprint with the Klima App

It has been decades now that the world has been talking about climate change and how we can mitigate and prevent its possible effects. It has been found that carbon footprints are one of the causes of the hastened climate change nowadays.

One way to reduce your carbon footprint is to be aware of how much greenhouse gas emissions you produce. Thankfully, there is a mobile application that calculates one’s carbon emission called Klima.


The Klima app has so many features that advocate for personal carbon footprint offsetting while supporting several environmental projects. Learn more about how you can download the mobile application and enjoy the features while helping the environment.

  • Birth of Klima
  • Calculate Your Carbon Footprint on Klima
  • Projects of Klima
  • Even More Projects of Klima
  • Offset Subscription on Klima
Discover How Users Can Calculate Their Carbon Footprint with the Klima App
Image Source: Global Citizen

Birth of Klima

The calls for environmental awareness became more apparent in recent years, and the number of people getting involved in these causes is continuously growing. Awareness regarding the causes is essential as it leads them to take action.

Discover How Users Can Calculate Their Carbon Footprint with the Klima App
Image Source: Tech Crunch

This is what the social start-up team from Berlin, Germany has in mind. They wanted to use their expertise as designers and engineers to put into action their advocacy to start something in the fight against global warming.


This goal of Markus Gilles, Jonas Brandau, and Andreas Pursian-Ehrlich came to fruition when they launched Klima. The trio wanted to commit its resources to the most pressing environmental challenges while empowering other people to join them.

The Klima app aims to create a ripple effect of the small actions of individuals in offsetting their personal carbon impact. The team wanted to turn these small actions into mass movements and see the power of individual action through climate neutrality.

Downloading Klima

The Klima mobile application is free to download for both Android and iOS users. Search for “Klima — Live carbon neutral” on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to install the application.


Note that Klima is available worldwide for all iOS users, but the app is only available in 18 countries for Android users. Do not worry because the team promises that they are still making the application available in all countries for Android users.

Upon installing, the application will ask you to sign up using your email address, but you can simply log in if you already have an account. You need to provide your basic personal information such as name and location.

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint on Klima

As mentioned earlier, the Klima app calculates your carbon footprint to know how much greenhouse emissions you produce on average. This is one of the main features of the application you will encounter once you sign up with Klima.

Discover How Users Can Calculate Their Carbon Footprint with the Klima App
Image Source: Inhabitat

Calculating your individual carbon footprint means that you have to answer several questions about your lifestyle. These questions include “What kind of shopper are you?”, “What best describes your diet?”,  “How many flights do you take per year?” and many more.

You can answer these questions via a multiple-choice chat interface on the Klima app. You can finish the entire list of questions in just three minutes, and the app will automatically calculate your carbon footprint.

The app’s calculation is based on your personal choices from the lifestyle questions and matches with your current country’s national baseline data. The calculator is just a close estimate of your carbon footprint based on individual circumstances.

Offsetting Your Carbon Footprint on Klima

The term ‘offset’ means to balance the effect of a contrary one. By offsetting, you are trying to neutralize the carbon emissions by supporting Klima’s environmental projects or solutions. To simplify, you are trying to compensate for your carbon footprints by offsetting through the projects of Klima.

Since the app calculates your carbon footprint, it will also give you recommendations on how you will offset through a monthly subscription. The money used will fund the projects of Klima to help neutralize the greenhouse emissions worldwide.

Klima now gives you the platform to take action even in straightforward means. Your offset can help impact the team’s projects because they believe that providing solutions for people can create a massive effect on their cause. Klima not only provides awareness about environmental concerns but also pushes people to take action.

Projects of Klima

Klima identified environmental projects that are deemed to be the solution for the worsening condition of the climate.

Discover How Users Can Calculate Their Carbon Footprint with the Klima App
Image Source: Klima

The keys of Klima are planting trees, kickstart power solar, and providing electric or gas cookstoves in place of wood-burning ones. Also, the team wants to revive ecosystems, innovate, and support communities.

Planting trees is still a basic answer to the problem of climate catastrophe because research shows it will help if humans can reduce, if not minimize, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Trees are one of the most effective ways to reduce carbon in the atmosphere and one of the most sustainable with lots of other great benefits.

Even though humans build big machines to capture carbon from the atmosphere and put it underground, it is still not enough. Trees are the best natural machines people can have. Klima believes that planting trees is one the best solutions for the problem.

Planting Trees for Klima

Klima has three tree projects you can support and choose. The first one is reviving mangrove coastlines in Madagascar. Klima notes that mangroves can help capture carbon dioxide, hold soil in place on the shore, and, most importantly, provide homes for wildlife for a long time.

The second project is planting forests among the degraded farmland in Panama. The project became the first Gold Standard-certified agroforestry project. The once farmland is now becoming a solid forest with functional biodiversity.

Lastly, Klima partnered with several local communities in Tanzania to turn degraded forests into solid and healthy forests. The team chose this project because Tanzania recorded for 20% loss of the total forest cover in the past century.

Even More Projects of Klima

To harness the use of technology in helping to solve the climate problems, Klima also focuses on promoting solar power. The team advocates that it is high time to promote renewable energy sources and refuse fossil fuel-based systems.

Discover How Users Can Calculate Their Carbon Footprint with the Klima App
Image Source: Klima

Klima supports the Mauritania Solar Power project, a large solar plantation in Africa, about 600,000 square meters. The project aims to provide renewable energy access in the continent. This solar power plant is the source the 15% of the country’s power.

Another way humans continuously produce carbon is by cooking using open fire stoves. Klima believes that it is unnecessary to burn wood to cook because it brings more problems in the atmosphere and even people’s health.

So, Klima thought of how to reduce the use of open fire cooking through community cookstoves. The team partnered with a community in Ghana which can help save trees while the people can still cook with safe and nontoxic fumes.

See Your Impact on Klima

One of the application’s main features is that it shows your real-time impact on your chosen projects. Klima regularly updates your profile on how many trees have been planted because of your monthly subscription offset.

This will keep you inspired as you can see your actions lead to real possible solutions to climate change. You can live life with climate neutrality by offsetting your carbon footprint.

Offset Subscription on Klima

As said earlier, you can offset your carbon footprint by supporting the funds of Klima projects that can help solve climate change. The subscription on Klima is billed monthly.

Discover How Users Can Calculate Their Carbon Footprint with the Klima App
Image Source: Digital Trends

After the Klima app calculates your carbon footprint, it will show your personalized amount for a monthly offset subscription. It means that the amount you will pay is based on your lifestyle. On average, a normal lifestyle is around $20 only per month.

The application also allows you to change your offset amount anytime to reflect changes in your carbon footprint. It will also show on your real-time impact chart that can be found in your profile.

You can pay the monthly subscription through a credit card which the app will require you to provide necessary personal information to process the transaction. Klima also allows you to cancel the subscription anytime you want.

Your Subscription Funds Klima Projects

Users may be wondering how their money helps climate change solutions. Klima’s answer is simple: it primarily funds the projects identified earlier. After subscribing, you can choose which specific project you want to support.

Klima provides a clear breakdown of the funds that they collect. They said that 10% of the funds go to the running cost of the app to keep it available. 70% of the funds are for individual impact, so most of your subscription fee goes directly to your chosen project.

The remaining 20% is for the collective impact, which is used for marketing purposes. Klima thinks that it is necessary to reach more people so the app can actualize the power of mass movement.


If you are looking for ways to help solve climate change problems, then the Klima app is an excellent option for you. It enables you to be aware of your carbon footprint and provides ways to compensate for that by offsetting them.

By subscribing to the monthly offset, you can help fund the project initiatives of Klima, which aims to help lessen the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. You can also track your impact through the application.

Spanish version: Descubre cómo los usuarios pueden calcular su huella de carbono con la aplicación Klima

Last updated on May 24th, 2023 at 08:59 am