How to Get Many Followers on Instagram with Innovative and Effective Techniques

Instagram is the perfect platform for those who want to have a good social media presence. With its convenient methods of setting up a profile and easy-to-use interface, the social media site is the go-to platform for those who want to start a brand and increase their online interactions. 

Getting organic followers takes a lot of time and effort. The more followers you have, the more opportunities you have to expand your presence and advertise your brand


Growing your Instagram following can be challenging, especially if you are just starting. Here are some techniques for you to get Instagram followers fast.

How to Get Many Followers Quickly on Instagram with Innovative and Effective Techniques
Image Source: MakeUseOf

About Instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that focuses on video and photo sharing through its mobile app. Users can take, edit, and upload content for followers to interact with. Followers can react to your photos and videos as well as comment on them.

How to Get Many Followers Quickly on Instagram with Innovative and Effective Techniques
Image Source: Bloomberg

The platform enables its users to share images and videos with their followers. This heavy focus on visuals allows many users to express their art and online businesses to thrive by making their brand seen by a wide audience.


Instagram is free to use and offers in-app purchases for promoting content and other business-related features.

How to Download

Instagram is free to download and is available on the Google Play Store for Android devices, and the App Store for iOS devices. Simply search for Instagram and tap Install or Download to begin downloading the app.

Once done, tap Open to launch the app and log in using your email address. You may also log in using other social media accounts, such as Facebook, and connect both accounts.


How to Get Instagram Followers

If you want to use Instagram to either become a social media influencer or simply boost your online business by gathering a lot of followers, you have come to the right place. 

How to Get Many Followers Quickly on Instagram with Innovative and Effective Techniques
Image Source: Search Engine Journal

Instagram can be an effective tool in getting your name and your brand out there. To do that, you will need to build a strategy that will attract followers and keep them interested for a long time.

The main goal is to acquire real followers on Instagram while also creating an experience for them to continue following you and retain their interest. This way, you get to have followers that are with you long-term.

Optimize Your Profile

One of the simplest ways for people to discover you on Instagram and follow you is by making sure that your profile is easy to read and readily understandable. You can do this by having all of your information available on your profile. 

Make sure to provide information such as your interests and what your drive is within the social media platform. This way, your potential followers will know what type of person you are on the platform and if you are worth following. More information equals more interested followers

Another great way to optimize your profile is to keep your username as short as possible and make it unique. Stick as close to your brand name as possible so that your audience will always remember your username. 

Find Your Target Audience

One of the most important questions that you should ask yourself before creating an Instagram profile is: who is your target audience

How to Get Many Followers Quickly on Instagram with Innovative and Effective Techniques
Image Source: Market Business News

Once you can define what your target audience is, you should then be willing to consider how they would use Instagram and if they are the right target for you and your brand. Answering these questions will help you create a meaningful profile that caters to your audience.

You will most likely develop an avid following when you know what you want to do, whom you want to do it with, and where you want to take it. Have a clear goal on what you want to do with your audience so you will know how to attract them.

Be Consistent With Your Content

Now that you have narrowed down your target audience, you should always keep them interested by providing a good amount of content. Always make sure that your audience is not bored with the content you are pushing. Keep a consistent theme with your content.

If you are fond of making food, make sure to continue creating food content for your audience. Never change course or try something weird and out of scope from your usual content all of a sudden or you run the risk of losing followers. 

Followers want consistency and they want to have regular updates from you so keep them entertained regularly.

Take Advantage of IGTV

One good way to pump out content from your profile is by creating IGTV series. IGTV has become an essential part of Instagram and is likely to drive even more users and potential followers to your profile. 

How to Get Many Followers Quickly on Instagram with Innovative and Effective Techniques
Image Source: Android Police

With more and more people trying to find ways to entertain themselves or simply learn new things or try out a new hobby, it is the right time to show your brand to the world by setting up your own IGTV series

Whether you are a foodie or a fashion profile, take advantage of how IGTV works on the platform. If you have a connection with food, go ahead and make a series out of desserts or some fun new things about food.

The potential is limitless within IGTV and it is up to you to tap into it to broaden your spectrum. Connect with your community and widen your reach towards new followers.

Get Into Reels

In 2020, Instagram introduced another feature called Instagram Reels. Reels is the newest video feature on the platform that allows you to create 30-second video clips alongside music. 

This is a great way to boost your profile on Instagram by allocating your resources to creating interesting and unique clips. You can even get on to the dance challenges and other trends in social media.

Reels can be found under the video category on your profile. You can explore other profiles' Reels and see what they offer and you can emulate them but be original. Search for trends or you can start your trend and watch your follower numbers go up.

Get Involved

Social media is a large community with a diverse group of people. In this platform, there will be instances that you want your voice to be heard. 

How to Get Many Followers Quickly on Instagram with Innovative and Effective Techniques
Image Source: Social Media Examiner

You can even push your advocacy by getting involved in many ideas that are circling Instagram. Find ways to get involved in different advocacies that are in line with your brand. 

One good way of finding a point of conversation is through the use of hashtags. Make sure not to overwhelm your current followers that it becomes preachy but rather, have an informative take on the idea. 

Get Partners or Collaborate

Knowing the value of your audience is very important. This is why you will need to extend your reach as much as possible to get in touch with more audiences. When the time comes that you have organically built your followers, it is important that you place your followers first.

Get partners or sponsor user-generated content that will allow you to interact with different popular Instagram influencers and your followers. This creates a very personal space for you to connect with your followers knowing how much you value them by focusing on campaigns based on what they want.

Find partners that believe in your cause or collaborate with other influencers that have similar advocacy as your profile. This should tell your audience that you are not here to dominate and eliminate your competition but to let the entire market thrive.

Develop Your Own Style

While it might be tempting to emulate some of the more popular Instagram users just so you can get a piece of their audience, it is much more worthwhile to focus on creating something new. 

How to Get Many Followers Quickly on Instagram with Innovative and Effective Techniques
Image Source: DNA India

Instead of trying to get a piece of the pie, make your own pie by making your profile and your style something unique.

The best way to gain new followers is to have a unique visual style with your art and incorporate them into your profile and to your brand. 

Make your post easily recognizable with your brand of humor or your style with photos and videos. This way, people will always remember you for having a unique style.

Go Local

One good way to incorporate your unique style within Instagram and garner a good amount of followers is to go local. 

There will always be something interesting going on in your local scene no matter what you think about your local town or city. Check out what's new in your neighborhood or any new restaurants that are open around town and see if you can make content out of it.

You can check out what's going on in your area by checking out different geotagged posts and see if you can take advantage of them to expand your audience.


Instagram continues to be a powerful social media platform for both business and personal use. 

Whether you want to be an influencer or a business owner, the platform is still one of the best to reach out to a massive audience. To do that, you will need help in gathering as many followers as you can, and hopefully, the tips above will do that for you.

Last updated on December 23rd, 2022 at 07:54 pm