Seven - Learn How to Do a Workout in Just 7 Minutes, Create Exercises and More

Are you struggling to find time to work out but still want to achieve your #bodygoals? Don't have a gym nearby, or simply can't be bothered to head over to one? 

What if there was an app that offered workouts to decrease body fat, strengthen muscles, and improve your overall fitness, from the comfort of your own home, for free, and in only seven minutes?


Check out how you can plan out your daily or weekly routines to achieve your desired body goals using the Seven - 7 Minute Workout app, and how you can join the 35 million users worldwide in experiencing the best of seven-minute workouts at home. 

Seven - Learn How to Do a Workout in Just 7 Minutes, Create Exercises and More
Image Source: Seven

7 Minutes on Seven App

According to scientific studies, there are workouts that result in the maximum benefit in the shortest time possible. It is these studies that are responsible for inspiring Seven's idea to create their home workout app, offering users the opportunity to exercise in just a short period of time and still see results.

Seven - Learn How to Do a Workout in Just 7 Minutes, Create Exercises and More
Image Source: Appedus

Seven-minute workouts are generally classified as high-intensity-circuit training (HICT). They are considered to be effective and safe for people looking for an efficient workout routine. HICT helps you strengthen your muscles, increase endurance, and lose body weight and body fat.


In the Seven app, there are a total of 12 exercises in a daily routine. Each exercise is done for 30 seconds with a 10-second break in between. All the exercises come with a countdown timer and 3D illustrations to aid and instruct you when following along. 

Even before you start your journey to fitness, the application will ask you what is your goal for using it. Your choices will be used for the suggestions of exercise categories. This way you can make sure their suggestions are tailored specifically to your goal.

Exercise Categories

The exercise categories are grouped by default when you are new to the app. The categories include workouts called Full Body, Apple Butt, Tabata, Fat Burn, Yoga Stretch, and many more. Within each category, there are specific exercises related to the title of the category


For instance, the Full Body category includes compound bodyweight exercises that target the entire body, such as jumping jacks, push-ups, plank and more. The category Cardio All The Way contains more exercises designed to get your heart rate up, such as lateral skaters, lunges, and mountain climbers. 

For those who want to focus on shaping their bodies to tone it, they may try the Shape It category. This routine includes more intense and targeted exercises for building muscle. Some of these exercises include the following:

  • bend and reach
  • plie overhead squats
  • pulsing squats
  • rear lunges
  • hamstring stretch
  • dive bomber push-ups
  • quadruplex
  • inner thigh lifts
  • hip raises
  • donkey kicks
  • bridge pose
  • glute stretch

Downloading the Seven App

The Seven app is free to download and free to use on your respective mobile devices. Search “Seven - 7 Minute Workout” on the Google Play Store for Android devices and the App Store for iOS devices. 

Seven - Learn How to Do a Workout in Just 7 Minutes, Create Exercises and More
Image Source: App Market 3.0

Once you've found the correct application, click the “Install” button to begin downloading the app to your smartphone device. It should only take a couple of minutes. When it's finished, launch the app to begin setting up your account.

You will be asked to sign in using your email to sync previous data, progress, and other details. Afterward, set-up your profile, which includes your goals, types of routine you want, limitations of your physical ability, and current health status, to personalize the daily exercises recommended for you.

Once you sign in, you can enjoy the basic account with free use of limited features. The basic package includes limited categories and exercises, daily exercise recommendations, and the ability to track your progress daily, weekly, and even monthly. 

Subscription Plan

If you want to unlock even more features, then you may subscribe to the premium plan for $9.99 per month. This is relatively cheap in comparison to other fitness application subscriptions on the market. 

The premium membership includes over 200 exercises in many categories. You can try them all and then create your own plan based on your preferences in terms of intensity, goal, and frequency. Also, there is a gamified version where you can compete with your friends by way of exercise streaks. 

The customer support of the application is responsive to queries and possible technical problems. Also, you can easily cancel the subscription on the Google Play Store or App Store just by clicking “Cancel Subscription”. 

Tailor-Fit Training on Seven

One of the well-known features of the Seven app is its ability to personalize the exercises for its users. You will not have to wonder and research what works best for you as the app will be the one to recommend it to you using the preferences you shared at sign-up. 

Seven - Learn How to Do a Workout in Just 7 Minutes, Create Exercises and More
Image Source: Trendspotters TV / Youtube

It will offer you tailor-fit training, taking into account things like gender and frequency. The intensity will also matter on your chosen weekly workout frequency. If you want to tone faster while exercising only a few days a week, the app will recommend the intensity of your program to be higher. 

However, you still choose the desired intensity once you subscribe. Basic account users have to follow the recommendations by the app, but premium users can create their own routines, categories, and exercises.

You can base the personalized routines on your preferred exercise or goal. To target a specific body part, then you may opt to choose a specific exercise for it from the pool of 200 exercises. Also, you can indicate if you just want to maintain your current body composition, and the app will provide you with recommendations based on that goal.

Hit the Specific Body Part

Working out in a gym will help you customize your daily or weekly routines to target the specific body part you want to tone. Seven App offers you the same perk. There are specific experiences for Full Body, Upper Body, Lower Body, and Core. 

With the focus on the body part, there are more lists of exercises that you can select from. For example, if you want to work on your core, which involves your abs and lower back, you can choose from these exercises. 

  • Back
  • Belly burn
  • Insane Abs
  • Silent
  • Shoulder and Abs
  • Hard Core
  • Down to Earth
  • Sore Core
  • Back and Core
  • Twister
  • Arms and Abs
  • Abs of Steel
  • Plank Pirate
  • Tabata Core
  • Calisthenics
  • Gymnasts

You will never run out of options. You can check out first the general description of the routine and the list of exercises it includes. The exercises have specific instructions as well for you to follow. It is recommended that before you go on with your workout, you have an idea of how intense the exercises will be. 

Features of Seven

Its user-friendliness is one of the best selling points of the application and that is why millions of users trust it. Also, Seven tries to create a fun way to enjoy your workouts through its gamification features.

Seven - Learn How to Do a Workout in Just 7 Minutes, Create Exercises and More
Image Source: Newszii

You can have a duel with your friend and see who can complete the most workouts in a week. In this case, you have developed an external motivation to continue working out. It is also comforting to know your friend experienced the same tough workout as you that day.

The app records your streak in working out. One of its gamified features is that you have three hearts which is your lifeline in the streak. If you miss three workout days or sessions, your progress will be reset. So, it will motivate you to workout to not lose progress.

To remind you of your daily workouts, you can turn on the setting to send reminders. You can set the time in which you'd prefer to be notified and the intervals as well.

Virtual Training Coach 

No need for a coach to take you through the routine. The app provides you a list of daily training and exercises before proceeding with the workout and keeps track of your progress. 

Also, it provides the how-tos on the workouts for the day. There are a brief explanation and instructions for you to follow. To aid the description, there is also a visual presentation of the exercise.

There is an automatic timer provided for each exercise. 30 seconds for the exercise and 10 seconds for the break in between. No need to worry about keeping track of the time.


The Seven app allows you to experience the benefits of a gym workout without needing all the equipment and paying a hefty membership fee. Seven gives you the opportunity to personalize your training and workout routine depending on your specific goals and preferences.

There are numerous exercises for you to choose from to get fit by exercising for only seven minutes per day. You can also enjoy working out with a friend by dueling him/her through the gamification features.

Last updated on December 27th, 2022 at 06:00 pm