The Best Adobe Products of 2020

Adobe is a premier computer software company, specializing in improving digital experiences. It’s a famous brand for artists, and some of the most popular programs from Adobe include Photoshop and InDesign. 

As technology progresses, Adobe continues to introduce new products and services, which let people revolutionize collaborative and creative work. More than artists, the brand also reaches out to students and beginners who want to learn and ignite their passion for content creation


Prior to the new releases, Adobe has been developing new platforms and applications to reach out to more consumers using different mediums and gadgets. In this article, we’re diving deeper into the best Adobe products of 2020. Read on to learn more.

The Best Adobe Products of 2020

Digital Experience

Adobe has launched a number of tools and applications available on next-generation tablets and iPads. Since the introduction of the new iPad pencils and stylus, the company has brought desktop applications to the tablet for easier control and precision of work. 


It’s safe to say that the brand is jumping on the gadget trend, helping digital artists leverage tools available on the Internet. To carry out this move, the company has introduced updates and applications ready to download on tablets or iPads.

New releases allow users to run several apps, like Photoshop, on their smartphones and tablets. With wider compatibility, people are likely to download the apps and software to enjoy top-tier tools and other features. 

Adobe 2020 Releases

First off, Adobe has unveiled the next-generation Creative Cloud (CC), featuring new advancements and features across the product line. The goal is to make tools more reliable, faster, and powerful. 


The CC 2020 embodies the theme of ‘Creativity for All’ and highlights the flexibility in using different mediums, such as the newest iPads or tablets. Now, users can run the applications without a hitch, providing a smooth and faster editing experience. 

There are about 19 upgraded CC applications, including Photoshop, InDesign, InCopy, and Animate. Updates are integral, polishing some stacks, adding new features and mechanisms. Best of all, new capabilities are added to provide ease in the automation process. 


The brand new 1.0 tools are made available for Photoshop on iPad. However, they are only included for all Creative Cloud subscribers. Note that this version has all major and complete tools for enhancing images and curating digital art. 

Creative Cloud customers need to subscribe to Photoshop to access this application. Other remarkable updates include new warp capabilities, automatic selection, enhanced properties panel, new preset panels, and layering comps with small objects.

This app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.


Adobe is also introducing a new way to create and view augmented reality or AR experiences. This is also coming to the iPad, which is totally cool. Now, you can play with AR tools and make creations anywhere. You can download this app from Google Play or the Apple Store. 

Photoshop Camera

One of the biggest releases this year is the artificial intelligence-powered mobile camera application. This brings magic to Photoshop, with easy capture, edit, and preview features. 

In short, users can take a snap and expect an automatic enhancement, without launching the Photoshop editing app. Again, this app can be download from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. 


The Best Adobe Products of 2020

Speaking of innovation, Adobe also curated a painting app for Windows, Microsoft Surface Pro X devices, and Wacom MobileStudio Pro hardware. It benefits users who have these gadgets, for a more easy digital art experience.

This app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store. 


Adobe surely keeps up with technology, offering new products and services to benefit users across the globe. With new updates and releases, you can get a better digital art curation experience without having a hard time. 

Check out these new releases by Adobe to take advantage of the cutting-edge technology, and make sure to consider the information in this article if you are interested in Adobe.

Last updated on January 14th, 2021 at 04:43 pm