Easy Methods to Fix a WMI Provider Host That Uses Too Much CPU

WMI Provider Host (WmiPrvSE.exe) is a Windows host administration approach that's utilized by the developers for monitoring functions. This process a very important part of the Windows system. You may wonder what exactly the WMI Provider Host is and why it takes up excessive CPU usage on Windows. If you have noticed that WMI provider Host is hogging your computer's CPU, you have come to the right place.

When programs like WMI Provider Host use too much CPU, your computer slows down. After upgrading Windows 7 to 10, many users have observed a spike in CPU usage which makes the system lag and drastically slow down. In this article, we will explain how to fix this issue so you can keep your computer running smoothly!

WMI Provider Host High CPU

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What is the WMI Provider Host High CPU issue?

Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) is a Windows feature that presents a standardized means for software and administrative scripts to request knowledge about the state of your Windows operating method and the data on it. It’s an important service that applications cannot run without. If this process stops, many of the features on your computer will become useless. Without WmiPrvSE.exe, all programs in Windows, including system applications and installed programs can not be managed.

How can you see WmiPrvSE.Exe? To troubleshoot the issue, you must find WmiPrvSE. You can see it on the following route: C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe

Method 1: Restart WMI Provider Host

  • Press the Windows key + R key to launch the Run command.
  • Typing “services.MSC” into the search box and then hit Enter.
  • Scroll down the carrier objects to find Windows Management Instrumentation. Then, click on "Restart".
  • Reboot your computer and check whether the problem is solved.
  • If the problem continues, you should restart a different WMI Provider Host related service as in the following steps.
  • Type “cmd.exe” in the search bar to bring up the Command Prompt and choose "Run as administrator".
  • In the Command Prompt window, type the following commands one by one and then hit Enter.
  • 1. "net stop iphlpsvc" 2. "net stop wscsvc" 3. "net stop Winmgmt" 4. "net start Winmgm"t 5. "net start wscsvc" 6. "net start iphlpsvc"
  • Reboot your computer to see if the WMI Provider Host's excessive CPU usage is resolved.

Method 2: Uninstall Components and Drivers

  • Press the Windows key and X key at the same time.
  • Select "Event Viewer".
  • Click the "View" button on top and then "Show Analytic and Debug Logs".
  • On the left pane, follow the path: Applications and Service Logs > Microsoft > Windows > WMI Activity > Operational log.
  • Markdown the items listed as "Error".
  • Press the Windows key and X key at the same time.
  • Select Task Manager.
  • Go to the offerings tab. Find the methods with matching IDs as seen in the PID column.
  • When you locate such a process, you can uninstall the program or disable its service.

For those who Windows newbies and have no concept of how to download your device drivers, we advise using Driver Easy. It’s a device that detects, downloads and (if you go pro) installs any driver updates your computer requires.

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We hope the above methods in this guide are helpful for you. These are the best methods to reduce the amount of CPU that the WMI Provider Host consumes. If you have any questions, let us know in the comment box. Share this guide with your friends, family and coworkers!


Last updated on November 17th, 2022 at 08:43 pm