How to use "Task Manager" for Mac: A Beginner's Guide

If you do not know how to use "Task Manager" for Mac, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you all about Mac's version of Task Manager and how to access it. 

Many new Mac users are coming from the Windows world, in which they would simply go to the Task Manager to quit tasks and check the usage of the operating system. Within the Mac operating system, the equivalent of Task Manager goes by a similar, but different, name: Activity Monitor. Activity Monitor is quite simple to use. However, this article will help you use Activity Monitor easily.


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Task Manager for Mac

Task Manager for Mac: Activity Monitor

One of the most essential things to not forget when you have recently switched from a PC to a Mac is that Activity Monitor is the equal application to Task Manager. The two programs function in the same manner. Windows users may be used to accessing Task Manager by pressing Control+ALT+DEL. However, accessing Activity Monitor on Mac OS X is somewhat different

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How to Access Activity Monitor on Mac Computers 

1. With the help of Finder

  • First, open Finder.
  • Next, go to applications and then utilities.
  • Click on Activity Monitor to open the program.

2.  With the help of Spotlight

    • Press the command key and the spacebar at the same time to open Spotlight.
    • Type Activity Monitor into the search bar and press enter.
    • Activity Monitor will automatically open. 
Task Manager for Mac

3. Help of Dock

  • Open Finder and navigate to applications and then utilities.
  • Drag the Activity Monitor icon to the dock to pin it there.
  • Once pinned, you can always access Activity Monitor by simply clicking on the icon pinned in the dock.

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How to Use Task Manager for Mac

The items in Activity Monitor are automatically organized by CPU usages, but you can select different tabs to organize the items by name, memory usages, or procedure IDs.

You can use Activity Monitor to Force Quit Mac apps when apps grow to be unresponsive. Another method to quit apps would be to use the shortcut of pressing Command + Option + Esc at the same time to bring up the Force Quit application. After the application appears, you simply select the app that you would like to quit.


This is our beginner's guide to Activity Monitor on Mac computers. If you are new to the Mac community, we hope found our guide to be clear and helpful! If you have any questions, let us know in the comment box. Share this guide with your friends, family and coworkers who recently started using a Mac computer!