Top Apps

Most of us want the best of the best, and that is also true when it comes to mobile applications. From the apps that celebrities love to the most downloaded apps around the world, check out these top apps!

Discover The 10 Best Sports Streaming Apps For Watching Games

There are many sporting events happening simultaneously around the world. It is a constant struggle for sports fans to find where to watch these games, especially when they are always on the go. Fortunately, there are now several sports streaming apps best for watching...

Discover Which Apps Are Most Used by Teenagers

Unlike the previous generation, today's teenagers grew up with easy-access Internet connections and smartphones. It makes sense, therefore, that teenagers are inseparable from their phones. But what exactly do they do on their phones for hours on end?We looked into which apps are most...

The Most Popular Google Services and Their Apps

It is without a doubt that Google dominates the technological industry with its apps and services. Nowadays, every single person with a smartphone might have used a Google application or service at some point even without them knowing. Google’s mission is to organize the world’s...