Digital Technology: The Best Tools for Digital Learning

With many students, teachers, and professionals forced to adopt a new normal, many find themselves indoors not only to attend and teach school, but also to conduct work and meetings on a day-to-day basis. 

Because of this, there is a pressing need to find reliable digital technology tools to aid this change. Without the face-to-face setup of a traditional classroom, online learning requires a number of tools to enhance the overall learning experience. 


If you are looking to augment your learning online experience at home and make it more efficient for your needs, make sure to check out what these technological tools have to offer today. Read on to learn more about them. 

Digital Technology: The Best Tools for Digital Learning


During the height of the pandemic, Zoom has undoubtedly become one of the most used platforms to facilitate online meetings and communication. Zoom is a cloud video conferencing platform that allows individuals to host virtual meetings or gatherings with hundreds of participants. 

Through this useful program, individuals – students, teachers, and colleagues alike – can not only communicate directly with a certain group of people, but they can also facilitate easy file-sharing within the app. 


Seesaw: The Learning Journal

Seesaw is considered a digital learning journal or online portfolio that caters to teachers, students, and parents alike. This is a multimedia learning and communication platform that helps track student progress over a particular period of time. 

Besides serving as an avenue to share progress and works, Seesaw also acts as a space for sharing feedback and reflection. Besides encouragement, peers and teachers alike can provide constructive criticism to usher in improvement. 

With the help of this app, students and other learners can post and store works to share with teachers and parents. Teachers, on the other hand, can extend learning activities for students to do in their own homes. 


Parents may also get in on the fun with this helpful application. With this, teachers can communicate with parents and families how their child is faring at school. This also gives parents access to comment and like posts by students, making their presence and support known. 


Remind is a straightforward app that simply reminds or nudges students or parents about activities or actions that need doing. In essence, it is a messaging tool that keeps both students and parents in the loop with what’s happening in school

This is a platform which messages persons, classes, or groups in real-time. This also provides senders access to information to see who has already read their messages and who are missing out from the said data or activities. 

Moreover, this can also serve as a platform for attaching and sending files. The best thing about this app is that it supports a wide range of languages, with more than 90 in the system, making it easier to facilitate communication with parents who are not native English speakers. 


Geared towards addressing real-time collaboration and scheduling concerns, Trello is a game-changing app that leverages a series of columns and boards where people can pin and move digital cards. These cards show a variety of tasks and details that go with it.

This tool helps students and teachers alike stay organized, making learning online easier. This platform allows users to create boards, checklists, upload documents, assign tasks, and tick off or delete assignments accordingly. 

The main idea behind Trello is real-time syncing across a variety of users with the help of the cloud. This means that users can see actions ready for immediate use and viewing. 


Digital Technology: The Best Tools for Digital Learning

For those who are always on the go – or those who may encounter technological problems at home from time to time – you know that learning can happen virtually everywhere. Pocket comes in by giving users a quick and effective way to view and save files, videos, and other essential content. 

This app lets users access offline viewing in a more effective layout. Moreover, this software also recently updated to accommodate offline listening without the need for the Internet, making it accessible even for those with intermittent connections.

The Bottom Line

As learning online becoming the new norm in education, there is no doubt that digital technology has adapted to the call of times. With these helpful tools, you can help further enhance and enrich your educational experiences even without the traditional classroom setup. 

Last updated on December 26th, 2022 at 06:26 pm

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